Importance of cybersecurity and data protection

Cybersecurity and data protection is of utmost importance, especially with the increasing growth of Indonesia’s digital economy and the proliferation of fintech. Cybersecurity threats and data breaches can potentially result in severe financial and reputational losses, which is a concern for many businesses. As such, it is essential to have data privacy risk management and controls put in place, in order to protect organisations from any potential cybersecurity threats.

Our comprehensive approach

Our knowledgeable and dedicated team encompasses legal practitioners with a broad range of experience in various aspects of cybersecurity and data protection. With a deep understanding of the digital landscape, coupled with the ability to keep abreast with the complex and everchanging laws, regulations and best practices relating to cybersecurity and data privacy, our legal practitioners are well equipped to provide clients with comprehensive and specialist legal advice.

Wide capabilities to meet needs

Our lawyers are capable of advising clients across the full spectrum of cybersecurity matters, from pre-attack risk management to post-attack crisis management, incident response to remedial actions, litigations to investigations, as well as regulatory advice and data protection advisory. Our wide capabilities allow us to consistently meet the needs of our clients.